Format: | Relié | 203 Pages |
Taille: | STANDARD |
Edition: | Paper Mill Press |
ISBN: | 9781774021651 |
Langue: | Anglais |
Couverture: | Cartoné |
Date do publication: | 2019 |
Poids: | 0.2 |
Auteur: | Anna Sewell, |
Black Beauty
( Anna Sewell,
Paper Mill Press
Follow the remarkable story of a gentle, hardworking horse named Black Beauty in nineteenth century England. Narrated as an autobiographical memoir told by the titular horse, Black Beauty recounts early life on the farm with his mother and the hardships he later faced as an over-worked cab puller in London. A timeless story of cruelty and kindness that touches on universally relevant themes including courage, sympathy and lifelong friendship.
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